What is a Slot?

A narrow notch, groove, or opening, such as a keyway in machinery or a slit for a coin in a vending machine. Also, the position in a series or sequence, as of tasks, meetings, or events. (Old English: slitt; Middle Dutch: slot; German: Schicht, from Old Norse: slod).

Some machines pay out bonuses when you collect certain symbols. A good way to increase your chances of collecting the bonus is to look for a machine that’s about to hit its 10th gold ball. But be careful, because if you wait too long, another player will swoop in and take it before you do.

A slot is a container that holds dynamic content. It can be either passive or active, and it can be populated with data computed from the database, data entered manually in the ACC, or data imported from Solutions repository. It is recommended to use only one scenario for a given slot, as using multiple scenarios could result in unpredictable behavior.